Alternatives to Full Basement Waterproofing in Lancaster PA
Although a severely wet basement can cause all types of serious problems, some property owners experience only intermittent water problems. If a home is only a few years old, chances are it was waterproofed when built.
Older homes in more flat areas or in arid areas may not experience much seepage into the basement or a crawlspace. There are standards and codes for new construction now that do include the types of waterproofing of basements and crawlspaces when it is used. Municipal codes can make these mandatory, but some do not.
Standards were adopted by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) as a measure against flooding. The types of waterproofing are assigned according to zones. Not every contractor is bound by these, as they really are what only amounts to “guidelines.” The regulations, however, can save heartache and expense for a property owner in the end.
Determinations of which codes should be used and the zone designations are made based on whether the basements and/or crawlspaces are above grade or below grade of the water table.
The exact type of waterproofing that occurs during construction is determined by two primary building codes, 406.2 and 406.1, and a reputable builder will have this knowledge.
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is managed by FEMA. It not only ensures that a basement will be safer during floods or soaking rains but also cuts back on insurance costs. Many insurance agencies are listed as members on the NFIP website.
Lancaster Full Dampproofing/Waterproofing Alternatives
While total waterproofing is obviously the best answer, homeowners can seek either temporary or alternative measures now. These do exist, and a basement waterproofing company in the Lancaster area will make recommendations that suit each property.
The affordable alternatives to full waterproofing depend upon whether the waterproofing will occur inside the basement or outside or include both inside and outside methods. As can be expected, total waterproofing is best, but not all property owners choose this.
Some Inside/Outside Full Waterproofing Alternatives:
- Concrete sealants
Needless to say, concrete can be used both inside and outside a property to seal cracks. Cracks, even in never properties, occur as all buildings do stabilize and sink a bit each year.
According to Forbes, sinkage is caused by the weight of furniture and individuals in a property, as well as the natural settling of the ground. Concrete can cost about $100 per gallon, and labor costs must always be factored in. Cracks that are minor and caused by natural sinkage make a good case for the use of concrete.
Silicate concrete sealers are somewhat more affordable and have the advantage of being a penetrable sealer, which does enhance the waterproofing and sealing qualities. Silicate sealers contain molecules that bond with the concrete and the surface being sealed, which do lead to better dampproofing/waterproofing.
- Liquid rubber
This is used many times as the price per gallon is quite affordable. It is more dependable than some other types of sealants and can be as waterproof as cement. It is also easier to apply as it is seamless and flexible.
The downside is that it will need to be reapplied more often, perhaps. It is UV retardant, so it is not affected by the rays of the sun, especially when used on the outside of a building. It, therefore, does not crack easily.
- Commercial glues
There are commercial glues that can be used, but unless a project is very minor would not actually be recommended by a legitimate waterproofing expert. This is more appealing to home handymen than actual waterproofing pros. It is also important to remember that all glue can crack and fall out of the crevices at some point.
- Waterproofing paint
This does exist, but truthfully is probably a temporary fix at best when used alone. Coating anything with waterproofing paint will cover cracks and crevices that are minor. Like all paints, though, it will need repetition. The plus side is that these paints do sink into cracks and crevices.
Additional sealing of cracks and crevices may be done first by a professional team. The painting is also generally only advised for inside waterproofing. Some of these paints contain rubber, others types of plastics, and even silicas. A reputable waterproofing company should be consulted. Paints, as stated prior, are generally used after initial sealing, not as a “stand-alone” solution.
Conclusion—Alternatives to Full Basement Waterproofing in Lancaster, PA.
Full basement waterproofing/dampproofing is, of course, the best method of preserving a basement and protecting the foundation of a property. Of course, all properties are different, as are the needs of property owners.
Lancaster, PA, and surrounding areas have very variable geographic land differences, from hillsides to flat lands, and this does play a part in the choice of waterproofing. Budgetary concerns might also exist.
Thirty years of experience that Basement Waterproofing Gurus has makes this an easy choice of provider for most residents of Lancaster, PA, who are seeking to waterproof a basement. A free quote is available, and there is a form on the website and a Facebook page for service questions.
Individuals can also simply call for a “lickety-split” response from this company that has five-star reviews! 1-800-834-6584.For more information on basement waterproofing, visit our website at Call us anytime at our toll-free office number is (800) 834-6584